Thursday, December 28, 2017


We arrived in Bangkok from five originating airports in the U.S.  Unfortunately, the Kansas City group of four students were delayed leaving KC and missed their connection in San Francisco.  So our wonderful travel agent rebooked them on the next available flight, which will get them into Bangkok at 12 noon on Dec 29, only 12 hours later than originally planned.

Alyssa, Kyle and Anna with me on our flights from Chicago to Bangkok.

Here we are... excited to get things started (12:30 a.m.).  This is Ajarn Wayne and 14 of our 18 students.  The other four are approaching Hong Kong right about now.

We're outside the airport waiting for Ajarn Akekawat and the vans to take us to the hotel.

Although it is 2:15 a.m., we must have genuine Thai food.  And it was as good as we expected.  Mmmmm.  Back to the hotel by 3:15 and now I'm blogging.  Sigh...  There will be much more tomorrow, and at a more reasonable hour.


  1. Thank you for the blog and photos. Hope the jet lag is minimal.

  2. Thanks for posting. So happy to see these pictures!

  3. Come on Ajarn's, get posting! Where is my morning Thai fix???

  4. Thanks for posting the photos. Much appreciated!

    Greg Carson
