Saturday, January 13, 2018


At 3:30, we loaded the kids into the vans for their ride to the airport.  It's always a sad day when you have to say goodbye to the Land of Smiles.  Ajarn Wayne is accompanying them home, whereas I'm staying back for six days to conduct research in Kaeng Ka Chan National Park near the Burmese border.  I'll be on the same flights to Chicago and STL on Saturday.

What a fantastic group of young people.... every single one of them.  It's not often I can say that after spending three weeks with young adults overseas.  You parents should be extremely proud of your kids.  It was our pleasure to have them in the Thailand study abroad program this year.

We met in the hotel lobby at 3:30 a.m. after only a couple hours of sleep.

Loaded up in the vans and preparing to head to the airport, the students are very sad to be leaving Thailand.

So sad...

...although a few managed to work up a smile for the camera.  They should be home in around 36 hours.


  1. Your words brought tears to my eyes! Love Colin more than anything and to know he was in such good hands was more comforting than you can imagine! I can’t fathom him taking a trip like this without such amazing people! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping the students safe and making their learning experience so amazing that the memories will last a lifetime!

  2. I am so proud of all the students for representing Mizzou so well!

  3. Thank you for your kind words. I am ready to see Luke and give him a big hug. I am sure after this adventure, he will have the bug for world travel. Your posts were outstanding. Thank you for sharing your love of adventure and hands on learning with him and the others on this trip Safe travels home in a week

  4. This is the first time I have not seen all smiles! Obviously they had a wonderful time! Thanks so much for your kind words and all the support you have given everyone!

  5. Ajarn Bob, thanks so much for allowing us to follow along on this trip! And thanks to you and all the ajarns for guiding and looking out for our kids. I know this was an experience they will never forget!

  6. Thank you again for the informative blog and for accompanying the kids to Thailand! We really enjoyed following your journey. What lasting memories they will have. They are so fortunate to have had this experience.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It was so great to have Katie home today but wow the experiences she has shared with us are those of a lifetime. Thank you for giving all these kids such an amazing education of Thailand and such memorable experience. Katie said she knows the trip was amazing because of your knowledge, true excitement for teaching, and your relationships that you have built there over time. She believes that she and all the kids would not have seen or experienced half the things they did if it had not been for you. Thank you for giving Katie a trip that she will never ever forget. Deeply grateful!

  9. Ajarns, thank you for all that you did for our young adults. Thank you for sharing the blog updates, it helped with the anxiety of having them literally a half a word away. I know Kyle had a great experience and he wants Mom and Dad to go back with him to Bangkok! Thank you again. I know the trip would not have been nearly as memorable for them without your knowledge of the country and the relationships you have established there over the years.
