Monday, January 8, 2018

Phi Phi - Day 3

Today, we dove the wreck, which required additional training because it was greater than 60 feet deep.  Sorry, but I have no photos from the wreck dive.  Following the wreck dive, we set course for Ko Ha for two dives, including my favorite dive site of anywhere on the planet.

We are approaching Ko Ha, which is Thai for Five Islands.  The ocean was dead flat again today... unbelievable conditions for us!

Moose giving the awesome signal.


I'll be you've never heard of bubble coral.  These are the polyps of a type of hard coral.

Sea whips are a type of soft coral.

A pair of longfin bannerfish.

Barrel sponges.

Powder blue surgeonfish and a parrotfish.

Moray eel hiding beneath an anemone.

Soft and hard corals.

Another moray eel.

Moorish idol.  Wasn't this Gill in the movie Finding Nemo?


I think this is Alyssa and Jaime.

Starfish on either side of a sea anemone.

A whole bunch of small fish with our students in the background.

Purple soft coral.

Five-lined snappers.

More soft coral.

Gigantic schools of snappers.

and more snappers.

After two fantastic dives, we are heading back to Phi Phi.  It's a two hour ride and the sea is still flat.  Wow... another great day!


  1. So many amazing pictures! Hope all of the ear issues cleared up. So happy the sea has been optimal for diving!

  2. Those sea whips are fascinating, I've never seen those before.

  3. How are the ears? Love the barrel coral and the colorful fish. Hope your weather continues to be great. Can’t wait to talk to Luke and hear about all the adventures in person.

  4. I am absolutely loving being able to share in this adventure with Anna. Thank you again for taking the time to do this blog.

  5. Amazing photos. Looks like moose is having a blast! So glad I can see her actually snorkeling . The reefs look awesome.

  6. Great photos. Anxious to hear about the deep dive experience. Everyone looks great, even the eel was smiling. k

  7. The visibility in Ko Ha is incredible. Any chance there are any whale sharks migrating through your location?
